Monday, September 4, 2017

Important Dates
Monday 9/4- No SCHOOL!
Thursday 9/7- ELA MAP Testing
Thursday 9/14- Math  MAP Testing
Thursday 9/21- 3rd Grade Field Trip to State House
Important Info
Car Rider Information
Please use your car tags during dismissal.  It makes it so much faster using numbers instead of having to write the student's names.  Also, make sure your child(ren) know their number so they will be ready when that number is called.
We are asking that for any car that comes through the line to get your child, they also have the number written out on a sheet of paper.  
As you know, we do have a very long line and want to try and do everything we can to make the process faster.
If you need a car tag number let the office know and they will send it home with your child.  

MAP Testing Information

August 28, 2017

Dear Parent:
During the weeks of September 5 and September 11 your child will take tests called Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®). We give students MAP tests to determine their instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year in the areas of reading and math. Your child will take the tests on a computer.
MAP tests are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for your child’s level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing.  During this period, your child will spend a total of about two hours completing these tests.
Students are administered the MAP in early fall and again in the spring.  Information from these tests is used to help teachers determine instructional needs of each student.
Your child’s teacher will let you know exactly which days they will be testing.  Please make sure to have the student at school, on time, and well rested.  
For more information on resources for parents, click on the Parent Toolkit  or go to the following website:

Stacey Gadson, Principal

English Language Arts
Becoming Good Readers

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